Morocco’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Omar Hilale, addressed on Sunday a letter to the Security Council to warn its members about the maneuvers of the Polisario in Guerguerat area.
Moroccan Anger Grows Over Polisario’s Illegal Actions in Western Sahara Buffer Zones
On Sunday, the Moroccan parliament strongly voiced its concern over the repeated illegal maneuvers carried out by the Polisario Front in the restricted buffer zones of Western Sahara.
Morocco military cooperation deal with Czech Republic
Following royal instructions, Abdellatif Loudiyi, Minister-Delegate for National Defense, received the Czech Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Martin Tlapa, on Monday, March 5. According to the National Defense Administration, the two officials exchanged views on
FATCA: Morocco Joins Others in a Fiscal Agreement with the United States
On february 21st, the Minister of Communications and Spokesman of the Government, Mustapha El-Khalfi, announced Morocco’s decision to sign on to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).
Egyptian Journalist: Discrimination Of Egyptian Copts The Result Of Fanaticism In Education System
Following the expulsion by ISIS of Coptic families from their homes in north Sinai, Egyptian journalist Fathia Al-Dakhakhni wrote an article in the daily Al-Masri Al-Yawm in which she harshly criticized the discrimination suffered by
Tolérance ethnique et confessionnelle, la clé de la stabilité sociale en Afrique Subsaharienne
Le Toupictionnaire définit la tolérance comme étant l’action, l’attitude de supporter ou de pas interdire ce que l’on désapprouve et qu’on ne peut éviter. La tolérance est aussi une dérogation admise à certaines règles. Elle
Afrique : L’OTAN doit parfaire son chantier libyen
Le Forum International sur la Paix et la Sécurité tenu du 15 au 16 décembre au Sénégal a eu son mérite. Dakar a été une tribune de Chefs d’Etat Africains pour exiger en présence du