U.S Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday announced that the Department of State added to the list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs) five terrorist leaders operating in Africa. The five are Bonomade Machude
Cairo backs Tunisian president’s actions against Brotherhood
Egypt said it fully supports Tunisian President Kais Saied, who fired the prime minister, suspended parliament and took control over the executive power in the midst of a severe political and economic crisis raging the
Ethiopia-Sudan tension rises over Tigray conflict
Sudan recalled its ambassador to Ethiopia after Addis Ababa accused Khartoum of interfering in the Tigray crisis amid doubts about Sudan’s mediating ability to end the nine-month-old fighting. Sudan recalled its ambassador to Ethiopia Aug.
Ill-conceived borrowing scheme costs Turkey double
The cost of Ankara’s domestic borrowing in hard currency and gold is estimated to have hit nearly 32% per annum amid the slump of the Turkish lira, more than doubling the cost of borrowing in
Côte d’Ivoire: Laurent Gbagbo propose la création d’un nouveau parti
En Côte d’Ivoire, Laurent Ggagbo a proposé, ce lundi 9 août, à la réunion du comité central extraordinaire du FPI canal historique, la création d’un nouveau parti politique. L’ex-président ne souhaite pas s’engager dans une
L’Algérie organise une conférence sur la sécurité au Sahel
L’Algérie, désireuse de reprendre l’initiative en matière de lutte contre le terrorisme, organise à partir de ce mardi 10 août, et ce pendant deux jours, une conférence sécuritaire au Sahel. Elle a invité des responsables
Mali : Plus de 50 civils tués dans la zone d’Ansongo : Le Gouvernement décrète un deuil national de 3 jours
‘’51 civils tués, une douzaine de blessés, dont une dizaine de cas graves, est le bilan de l’attaque perpétrée dans la nuit du dimanche 8 au lundi 9 août par des individus armés dans les
Arabs Celebrate Downfall of Tunisia’s Islamists
Tunisia is the third Arab country after Egypt and Sudan to say that it is fed up with the rule of the Islamists. With the exception of Qatar, most of the Arab countries have long
Mozambique’s President Unveils Southern African Troops to Fight Insurgents
Mozambique President Filipe Nyusi on a visit to the troubled northern Cabo Delgado province Monday, unveiled the Southern African troops sent to fight the region’s insurgents. The Southern African Development Community’s Standby Force includes troops from Angola, Botswana,
Tigray aid response hit by suspensions, blockade
The suspension of two major international relief organisations in Ethiopia could further worsen the humanitarian situation in Tigray, where an aid blockade is still effectively in place, even as conflict spreads into neighbouring regions and