The United States’ actions in Sudan need to be aligned with the ideas of democratic renewal. Sudan has been ruled by the military for 53 of the 66 years since it gained independence in 1955.

The United States’ actions in Sudan need to be aligned with the ideas of democratic renewal. Sudan has been ruled by the military for 53 of the 66 years since it gained independence in 1955.
Authorities in Mali seem to be considering negotiations with Jamaat Nusratul Islam wal-Muslimin, the country’s largest Islamist insurgency. Pursuing talks will be a tall order, given the stakes and the group’s al-Qaeda connection. Both the
Les chefs d’État de la Communauté des États d’Afrique de l’Ouest (Cédéao) se retrouvent en sommet ordinaire, ce dimanche 12 décembre, à Abuja, capitale fédérale du Nigeria. Les dirigeants vont se pencher sur plusieurs questions
Les principales figures de l’opposition au Bénin sont pour la plupart en exil. L’opposante béninoise et ancienne garde des Sceaux Reckya Madougou, arrêtée peu avant l’élection présidentielle, est jugée vendredi pour “financement du terrorisme” à
Le bilan des affrontements au Darfour continue de s’alourdir. Au moins 138 personnes ont été tuées et 106 blessées, en trois semaines, selon l’association des médecins soudanais. Rien que ce mercredi, 38 personnes ont été
Le groupe russe Wagner mènerait une bataille de com’ sur les réseaux sociaux, flirtant avec la désinformation. Sur des médias maliens plus traditionnels, l’opération Barkhane y va aussi de ses spots publicitaires… Au Mali, comme
With violence at a peak, the country needs to coordinate its structures and adopt a new vision to ensure the safety of its citizens. After years of delays in reforming Burkina Faso’s security sector, the
Seven peacekeepers from the West African nation of Togo were killed Wednesday when their vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in central Mali, according to the United Nations. U.N. spokesperson Stephane Dujarric told reporters that
Kenyan authorities say a suspected suicide bomber killed himself and two others Tuesday in Kisumu County, on the border with Uganda. Police say the suspect was a member of the Somalia-based al-Shabab terrorist group. The
Islamist militants in Mozambique have abducted hundreds of women and children over the past three years, rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report published on December 7. HRW said at least 600