L’armée malienne a annoncé jeudi que près d’une soixantaine de terroristes avaient été tués lors d’opérations militaires menées cette semaine dans le centre et le nord-ouest du pays. Dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi,

L’armée malienne a annoncé jeudi que près d’une soixantaine de terroristes avaient été tués lors d’opérations militaires menées cette semaine dans le centre et le nord-ouest du pays. Dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi,
Sur instruction du commandant de la 5ème région militaire et chef secteur 3 du théâtre centre de l’opération Maliko, le Colonel Mamadou Souleymane Koné, les forces de défense et de sécurité (Police nationale, Gendarmerie nationale,
Pendant les huit années où il a exercé tout le pouvoir au Mali, Modibo Keita n’a cessé de louvoyer entre les intérêts des grandes puissances pour maximiser l’aide internationale accordée à Bamako. Un numéro d’équilibriste
The Ugandan government says it is targeting rebels it accuses of terrorist attacks in Kampala. Many Congolese fear the incursion is cover for yet another plundering of their country. It has been a month since
Eleven soldiers were wounded and 29 “terrorists” neutralized in a weekend attack on security forces in Burkina Faso’s troubled northwest, the army said on Sunday. Military and police units came under attack on Saturday in
Shiite-dominated Iran has called for Afghanistan’s new Sunni leaders to form a government that reflects the country’s ethnic diversity. Iran is not ready to formally recognize the Taliban government in Afghanistan, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson
The mutual escalation between Egypt and Germany regarding the human rights situation in Egypt and the threat to freeze the military deal agreed upon by German Chancellor Angela Merkel before her departure to Egypt raised
The Iraqi government has announcement the end of the international forces’ mission in the country, renewing controversy over the concept of resistance and the legitimacy of its weapons in a law-abiding democratic state. Iraqi Prime
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s planned visit to Saudi Arabia comes as Ankara seeks to mend ties with several Gulf countries. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Monday that he plans to visit Saudi Arabia
Nature protection groups are opposing the recent plan by the government to build more villages and add to the population on the Golan Heights. Some dramatic declarations emerged from the special Cabinet meeting Dec. 26