Le chef de la diplomatie française, Jean-Yves Le Drian, a estimé, vendredi, que la France et ses partenaires européens vont devoir “adapter” leur dispositif antijihadiste au Sahel, en raison de “la rupture du cadre politique

Le chef de la diplomatie française, Jean-Yves Le Drian, a estimé, vendredi, que la France et ses partenaires européens vont devoir “adapter” leur dispositif antijihadiste au Sahel, en raison de “la rupture du cadre politique
La Communauté économique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (Cédéao) a accusé vendredi la junte militaire au Mali de vouloir se maintenir au pouvoir pendant des années, conditionnant la levée des récentes sanctions à la
Mali’s military regime has taken an “irresponsible” decision by expelling Danish special forces sent to help fight jihadist insurgents, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Thursday. Denmark said the country would withdraw its newly
Ethiopia is Iran’s gateway to the Horn of Africa and the broader East Africa region. By helping Ethiopia in its ongoing conflict with the rebel Tigray Defense Forces (TDF), which represent the Tigray ethnic minority,
Abstract: With the explosive growth of banditry in northwestern Nigeria in recent years, there has been growing speculation among Nigerian and international observers that these criminal insurgents are receiving support from or otherwise converging with
Wojsko obaliło kolejnego prezydenta w Afryce i przejęło władzę. Po zeszłorocznych zamachach w Czadzie, Mali, Gwinei i Sudanie rok 2022 zaczął się od przewrotu w Burkina Faso. Scenariusz zamachu przypominał zeszłoroczne z Bamako czy Konakri.
Après une période de confusion, les militaires ont annoncé hier qu’ils avaient pris le pouvoir et avaient destitué le Président Kaboré dont le sort est inconnu. Après celui du Mali, ce coup d’état interpelle sur
The Sahel region aptly dubbed the land of opportunities, spans a large area covering 3,053,200 km2. The countries found in the greater region include Chad, Niger, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Mauritania, Mali, Senegal, Algeria, Cameroon, Sudan,
A Ugandan general has been appointed as head of South Sudan transitional security monitoring and verification mechanism. Maj. Gen Abel Kandiho, head of the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) since January 2017, was on Tuesday
Safia Abukar Karani, the Director of Administration and Finance of the Somali Government’s Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs was assassinated in Mogadishu last night. Armed men gunned down Safia on Wednesday night at a