Russia and African parliamentarians continue forging solidarity against growing neo-colonial tendencies in Africa. The parliamentarians, far ahead of their symbolic gathering, have intensified political dialogue and support for Russia’s war on neighbouring Ukraine, and further
Senegalese Opposition Figure Barricaded By Police On Eve Of Trial
Dakar, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 16th Mar, 2023 ) :Senegalese security forces on Wednesday fired tear gas at legislators seeking to reach an opposition politician barricaded in his Dakar home amid growing political
An Ever More Precarious Situation in DRC
As the Democratic Republic of Congo’s decades-long struggle with insecurity heats up, increased regional military engagement heightens risks. The past weekend brought news of yet another foreign military force deploying to the Democratic Republic of
The Sahel now accounts for nearly half the world’s terrorism
Saharan Africa has replaced the Middle East as the epicentre of global terror The Sahel region in Sub-Saharan Africa is now the epicentre of terrorism worldwide, constituting nearly half (43%) of the global death toll,
L’armée égyptienne s’accroche à son empire économique
Malgré les pressions du Fonds monétaire international et des bailleurs du Golfe, les généraux rechignent à céder des parts des entreprises qu’ils contrôlent. Au sein du vaste empire que s’est constitué l’armée en Egypte, deux
Algérie : Malaise dans l’armée algérienne du général Saïd Chengriha
Depuis que le général Gaïd Ahmed Salah est décédé en décembre 2019, l’armée populaire nationale algérienne (ANP) connait une période mouvementée et controversée sous le commandement de l’actuel chef des armées, le général Saïd Chengriha.
Nigeria : les groupes djihadistes se livrent une rude bataille
Les deux principaux groupes djihadistes au Nigeria s’affrontent ces dernières semaines dans des combats meurtriers d’une rare intensité pour la suprématie longtemps convoitée dans leur fief du nord-est, selon des sources de sécurité et des
China’s Media Propaganda in Africa: A Strategic Assessment
Over the last decade, partnerships with developing countries have become central to China’s geostrategic objectives. In Africa specifically, China has made significant investments to secure favorable media coverage to promote a positive view of China,
Turkish FM to visit Egypt as countries end decade-long split
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu will visit Egypt, both countries announced Friday, the first such high-level trip in more than a decade as their leaders repair relations damaged in the wake of the 2011 Arab
The Sahel Continues to Struggle with a Surge of Jihadist Terrorism
The French withdrawal from Burkina Faso amid pressure from the Burkinabe junta is likely to lead to a worsening security situation and further erosion of democracy in the country. Burkina Faso’s government has stated that