Manque d’eau, de nourriture et de soins… La situation humanitaire pourrait rapidement devenir catastrophique dans ce village à plus de 800 km de N’Djamena. A dos d’âne, à cheval, sur des charrettes ou à pied,

Manque d’eau, de nourriture et de soins… La situation humanitaire pourrait rapidement devenir catastrophique dans ce village à plus de 800 km de N’Djamena. A dos d’âne, à cheval, sur des charrettes ou à pied,
La trêve, qui devait prendre fin dimanche soir, a été reconduite mais les combats se poursuivent. Les Soudanais sont pris au piège de l’affrontement entre deux généraux depuis près de trois semaines. Les affrontements entre
Only Civilian Leaders Can Forge a Path to Peace Less than five years into its halting journey toward democracy, Sudan is spiraling toward protracted civil war. On April 15, fighting erupted between the country’s two
January 30, 2022. Update added April 23, 2023 Like all the nations of the Horn of Africa that abut the Red Sea, the main passageway for the transit of Middle Eastern oil, Sudan has been
More than 500 people have been killed and 4,000 injured since fighting broke out between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on April 15. Groups such as the Sudan
Sudan has always been viewed by Egypt as strategic depth that is crucial for its national security; thus, the ongoing and rapidly developing crisis in Sudan undoubtedly presents the Egyptian administration with a set of
India and China, the world’s two most populous nations with over 1.4 billion people each, are expected to be outranked by sub-Saharan Africa in the 2030s. A new analysis by the Washington-based Population Reference Bureau
Over the past two years, the steady expansion of terrorist and fundamentalist threats in the Sahel has not gotten the attention it deserves given the region’s repeated military coups and political turmoil. Due to the
The central Sahel — Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger — has changed dramatically since the armed insurgencies that emerged in northern Mali in 2012. The resulting deterioration in security has been worse and more far
Pour couper les revenus annuels d’al Shabaab, estimés à 100 millions de dollars et générés par les extorsions, il faudra rétablir l’intégrité des agences financières, judiciaires et de renseignement compromises de la Somalie. Malgré les