Casualties mounted in Las Anod as the troops of Somaliland, a separatist breakaway region from Somalia with no international recognition of its claim to sovereignty, continued attempts to reoccupy the city. Las Anod is at

Casualties mounted in Las Anod as the troops of Somaliland, a separatist breakaway region from Somalia with no international recognition of its claim to sovereignty, continued attempts to reoccupy the city. Las Anod is at
Furious over a Nigerian military raid that killed 41 fighters on March 19, Islamic State West African Province (Iswap) commander has executed his deputy for failing to stop the attack. Deputy Iswap commander Abu Darda
The chief bombmaker and a high ranking member of the Boko Haram Terrorist Group, Awana Gaidam, has been killed by his own Improvised Explosive Device, IED. The 39 year-old bomb maker, apart from his high
Gangs that smuggle gold and launder money, that is what the Gold Mafia investigation is about. But who are they exactly? They are rival gangs — with many different characters. From new-age pastors to old-school
West Darfur’s recent tribal attacks killed six people and forced over 30,000 people to flee to neighbouring Chad said UN OCHA on Monday. Members of the Mararit tribe stoned to death two Arab suspected of
The U.S. ambassador to Somalia said the Somali government’s military operations against al-Shabab have cost the militants one third of their territory. “Somali-led offensives have restored Somalia’s sovereignty to 1/3 of the territory formerly misruled
Le Mali et la Centrafrique s’endettent pour payer les mercenaires russes et doivent offrir leurs ressources minières. Le Burkina Faso pourrait suivre. Dix millions de dollars par mois. L’équivalent d’un peu plus de neuf millions
Moscou diffuse en Afrique une propagande anticolonialiste dont la première cible est la France. Pourtant, dans les faits et sur le terrain, sa mainmise sur les États faillis africains et leurs richesses n’a rien à
Le représentant spécial au Moyen-Orient de Vladimir Poutine a échangé avec le président égyptien Abdel Fattah al-Sissi. Moscou et Le Caire désirent encore « renforcer leurs relations ». Le président égyptien Abdel Fattah al-Sissi a
Vingt-sept civils ont été tués lors d’une attaque de plusieurs localités du nord-est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) par de présumés membres d’un groupe armé, a rapporté la radio onusienne Okapi, citant des