Chairman of Presidential Council, Fayez Sarraj, has given orders for the Libyan army forces under the Government of National Accord to implement an immediate ceasefire and end all hostilities in Libya.
In his new initiative to end the Libyan crisis, Sarraj said the immediate ceasefire would mean demilitarizing the city of Sirte and Jufra region while police forces of both sides to the conflict set up the security arrangements to secure both areas.
“The final goal of the ceasefire is to restore full sovereignty over the Libyan soil and expel foreign forces and mercenaries,” Sarraj indicated.
He called for resumption of oil production and export through Tripoli-based National Oil Corporation (NOC) while revenues go to a special bank account for NOC to be distributed fairly according to a political settlement based on Berlin Conference outcomes.
Sarraj also called for presidential and parliamentary elections next March.
It’s not known whether warlord Haftar and his foreign allies would accept the initiative.
Sarraj’s initiative came two days after the declaration of warlord Haftar’s forces that they will not give up an inch of Sirte and Jufra.
Haftar’s spokesperson Al-Mismari said Wednesday that their forces won’t retreat from Sirte and its surroundings and won’t surrender the city to “invaders”, a statement that seems to respond to international calls, especially US and Germany, to demilitarize Sirte and Jufra for a political solution in the country.